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Image by Lars Kuczynski

We Want You!

 Message from At Large Cherokee Tribal Council Member    

For 15 years I worked for the Cherokee Nation tribal government and served as an elected official representing the "At-Large" Cherokee citizens who reside outside the boundary. I've had wonderful opportunities to become involved with both those who are at home within the Nation's boundaries, and those who are not.

The Cherokee PINS Project was developed so in-boundary and At-Large Cherokee Nation citizens could have the same opportunities. By building networks and relationships, and contributing skills and knowledge to each other, we are expanding the Cherokee value of "ga-du-gi" to organizations at home and across the country and contributing to strong culture, communities, and tribal sovereignty.


Since efforts began in the early 2000s to bring At-Large Cherokees into better involvement with the Nation, I have sometimes heard people object to the term "At Large" to describe our citizens who reside outside the tribal boundary. Some have said it sounds like they are wanted, to which my response has been "They are wanted -- we want you!!"

Dr. Julia Coates

Cherokee Nation Tribal Council Representative 

Our Vision

The Cherokee PINS Project is committed to enhancing civic understanding and engagement between Cherokee Nation citizens who reside within the tribal boundary with those who are outside the jurisdiction. Toward that end, the PINS Project offers educational workshops and builds community development partnerships.

Our Mission

At the heart of our mission lies a commitment to the prosperity and unity of the Cherokee Nation. We are dedicated to empowering our Cherokee citizens by providing a platform for informed engagement and dialogue on the most critical issues facing our community.

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